Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Debt Reduction - Save Money & Do It Yourself

Accelerated debt reduction is usually advertised by debt settlement companies wanting you to believe that the only way to get rid of debt quickly is to negotiate with your creditors to accept a reduced amount of money as payment for what you owe them.

The truth is there really are ways to create an accelerated debt reduction plan on your own that could see you become debt free as well as teaching you important lessons about financial responsibility at the same time.

Before You Begin

Perhaps the best way to begin working on an accelerated debt reduction plan is to take a good look at your current budget and spending habits. Create a quick budget or write out a list of income and expenses so you know how much you’re spending. If you can see any areas at all where you might be able to cut back your spending, then work on this now.

Reduce Costs

Many people believe that trying to save 50 cents on a grocery bill is the right thing to do when they’re trying to reduce debt. Instead of worrying about your living expenses, take a look at how much your consumer debts are costing you. If you didn’t have to pay those every month, how much of your income would you have left over for yourself?

Work on finding ways to reduce the amount of interest you pay each month. This could mean catching up any delinquent payments to stop those penalty fees from accumulating. It could also mean consolidating some of the more expensive debts into a lower interest option.

If you have the option, then consider transferring the balance of a high interest credit card over to a low or no interest option. Once your interest costs have been reduced, take advantage of that introductory period to pay down as much of that balance as possible before normal interest rate charges start again.

Raise Income

One of the best ways that most people achieve financial freedom is through increasing their income.  While it’s not possible for everyone to walk into the boss and demand a pay rise, there are other things you can do to raise some extra cash to get rid of those debts. Millions of dollars worth of regular items are sold every day on eBay. Take a look around your home and put anything you don’t use any more on eBay. 

If this doesn’t appeal to you, hold a yard sale and see if you can raise a little cash this way. Not only will you be un-cluttering your home, you’ll be un-cluttering your debts at the same time. Whatever money you raise, put this immediately towards paying down your debt balances. This will give you a huge head start and keep your motivation high.


If you’ve managed to reduce your monthly repayment costs, then the best accelerated debt reduction method is to have the discipline to allocate those savings towards making extra payments on your debts.

Whenever you receive a pay rise or a bonus or a little extra cash from any source, put it straight off the balance of your debts. Many people hate this part of the discipline stage, preferring to spend bonuses on treats.

Having the discipline to pay extra money off your debts now and go without those treats temporarily will mean you should have far more money to enjoy every month once those debts and the expensive repayments are gone for good.

Good luck with your accelerated debt reduction journey.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ending Relationships And Getting Over Them

There are times when a relationship will end. There are many reasons that this occurs. There are also many different lengths of time that a relationship has gone on before it ends. Sometimes people will have been in a relationship for many years and other times they will have only been together for a few months. However, no matter how long the relationship has been established, there are still certain things that are true for every relationship that ends.

The end of a relationship will impact both people. They will both be hurt and have a wide range of emotions. No matter who is at fault or even if someone is at fault, it is going to change both parties. They will both be emotionally drained for a long period of time. They may not have any desire to be around anyone, even friends. Oftentimes a relationship that ends, whether good or bad, results in depression. Other times it leaves people angry and hostility becomes an issue for them for any length of time. They are blaming the other person or something has happened that ended the relationship that has made them angry. No matter what the situation is, the emotions have to be dealt with.

It is a very bad idea to try to jump into a new relationship right after a relationship has ended. However, many people do this. They have gotten used to having someone in their life. They miss having that and do not know what to do about it. So, they try to find another person to fill that void. However, this is a destructive pattern. It is also unfair to the other person that they are pulling into their negative pattern.

They are offering a false sense of themselves. They are pretending that they are in the relationship for the relationship. The other person has no idea that there is anything else going on. However, in most cases, the two people are not compatible with each other and they end up in a very bad situation.

They will not stay together and in time the relationship will completely deteriorate. The person that was using the relationship is now empty and alone once again and in most cases they are much more emotional and hurt than they were when they started.

The particular circumstances surrounding the relationship will factor into everything and determine how a relationship ends. If it was simply dating, then it will end easier than if it was a live in situation or if there were children involved. There are no specific rules about relationships and dating.

There are also no specific rules about how these relationships will end. Each person, each relationship, each life has its own dynamics and ideals. If a break up is mutual and simply due to the fact that the people are not compatible, it can be easier to end the relationship and keep things on good terms. If there are issues that have caused the relationship to deteriorate on the part of one person, then the relationship is much more likely to end in a bad way and with anger.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

College Dating Challenges

So, you're in college. In theory, you are going there to get an education. In reality, you are also interested in having a social life. Besides, you will have all kinds of single people around your age as potential friends. With all of that, why is college dating so challenging? Let's look at some possible answers to this important question.

Not to sound trite, but college students are going through a major transition to total independence and adulthood. That alone is a huge challenge. Plus, expectations are higher from the students themselves, others around them, as well as what's expected academically. While some college students are teenagers, they are also adults by most measures. On top of all of this, college students are away from long-held relationships they have formed. Family, team mates, friends, acquaintances and girlfriends and boyfriends are usually left behind once the student is in college.

Just how daunting is it to deal with these personal, physical, emotional and academic changes? College can be quite intimidating, especially for students who are attending school far from home. Moving not only means the loss of relationships, but also leaving behind their usual emotional support system, whether family, friends or place of worship. All of these new expectations and experiences only make college dating more complicated. Add to that the fact that almost everybody at any given college come from different backgrounds. That results in there being less common ground on which to connect with and build upon.

One thing to keep in mind about dating in college is to not approach it in an overly-serious manner. There is already more than enough serious things to deal with for any college student, dating doesn't have to be another. Now, that's not saying you shouldn't date at all, or avoid any sort of romance. That's not the point.

Instead, try to focus on the enjoyment of getting to other people. Take the emphasis off of finding a serious relationship, and just try to make friends. Think of it as another way to share the experience of college with someone else. You may want to try dating those in the same classes as you, as there will be some level of shared common interest. This will also help to keep your comfort level in check, and make it feel a lot less challenging.

There is no reason why college dating has to be hard if you know the best way to approach it. All new college students will face new challenges, but dating doesn't have to be one of them. Go into it with the right attitude, without putting pressure on you or your date for anything too serious. However, if things go well, then by all means continue to let things progress naturally. Many people have met their current spouses when they were in college. If it happens, that's great! But don't go out on dates with the thought of finding a marriage partner. Just enjoy being with somebody and let things happen as they may.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Stress Relief Vitamins For Well Being

Studies dating back to the seventies show that certain vitamins contain properties that are effective in relieving stress. Supported by scientific data, companies have now come out with various vitamin supplements that combine these so called stress vitamins, which are Vitamin A, Vitamin B complexes, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. Let us take a look at each stress relief vitamin.

Vitamin A, as a stress relief vitamin, contributes to a strong immune system and its antioxidant property is helpful in reducing stress. Vitamin A can be found in both animal and plant sources. Foods rich in vitamin A include eggs, liver, milk, spinach, carrots, mangoes and cantaloupe.

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is often referred to as the “anti-stress vitamin” for its excellent stress-relieving effects. Vitamin B5 along with vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin C are necessary for the adrenal glands to function properly. The adrenal glands produce the hormones that help the body deal with stress such as adrenalin and cortisol.

Additionally, this stress-relief vitamin is involved in many of the body’s energy-releasing chemical reactions as well as in the removal of toxins from the body. Vitamin B5 is not produced or stored naturally in our bodies so you have to get it either from vitamin supplements or foods such as whole grain cereals, beans, poultry, lean meat, and fish.

Aside from Vitamin B5, the entire vitamin B complex is in fact known to play an essential role in combating stress. In addition to B5 and B9, other B-vitamins are B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine acid), B7 (biotin), and B12 (cobalamin). When dealing with emotionally or physically stressful situations, the body uses up B-vitamins first to give the body a quick energy boost.

Vitamin B3 is required for the metabolism of the amino acid Trytophan, which the body converts to serotonin, a brain chemical that acts as a neurotransmitter and is known to regulate mood. A high serotonin level helps a person handle stress and makes a person cheerful.

A widely recommended stress relief vitamin is vitamin C, which has powerful antioxidant properties. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, hence, increasing a person’s ability to fight stress. Vitamin C is also necessary to break down the hormone cortisol, which is produced by the adrenal glands to respond to stress.

Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, green vegetables, tomatoes, bell pepper, papaya and berries. Another stress relief vitamin that offers excellent antioxidant properties is vitamin E. Green leafy vegetables, nuts, fortified cereals and vegetable oils are high in vitamin E.